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Marketing Your CoWorking Space

Diverse Business Connections

How can you market your coworking space? How can you make it different from other spaces in your community? By using valuable resources and viable content to market a coworking space, such as telling the story of your space, your members, your neighborhood and community by sharing your mission, purpose, and business model is a great way to engage with both existing members and those who you want to invite into your space.

Your coworking space has just become a valuable and trusted community business resource by providing insights, inspiration, encouragement and resources to your members and to your business startups to become more than just another coworking space.

Here are some tips for marketing a coworking space you can differentiate from other spaces in your community:

  • Spotlight members of your space and introducing who they are, what they do, and include any member projects in your content, co-launch startups you are working with and share it with social media, on your website, on their website, and to other platforms, in press releases, and with local small business support agencies and groups.

  • Entrepreneurial wins makes exciting content that local business organizations may happily share around via social media, blog, newsletter, etc. Include photos, videos and links to any relevant businesses or projects for maximum impact.

  • Through local industry leaders and influencers, marketing your content for your coworking space, you could speak all day trying to get people to read your content and may only end up with a handful of visitors to your site. If, one local influencer with a large social media following shares your content, you can get hundreds of views. High quality posts containing information and/or resources, and also ask them to share the post once it is life and tag them in your social media mentions.

  • Create a roundup of local resources, tips, quotes, and contributions from local influencers about their best practices and insights to particular topics. Get a list of local leaders to share information and details about them, their businesses, and their clients. Have them include a link to their business and other relative points.

Connect with Diverse Business Connections for your conference, events, meeting, networking, business resource, incubator accelerator, and coworking space inquiries anytime.

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